The spot is an Amy Butler fabric from her 'Midwest Modern' collection. I shall team this with the lovely 'Darla' patterned fabric by Tanya Whelan, and the soft blue gros-grain ribbon to make more cosmetics bags for my online shops (here and here). I shall also use the raspberry pink for cosmetics bags, teaming it with the last of my lovely Japanese sweet treats fabric.
I shall post images here once the cosmetics bags are completed. Before I can start with those I have a couple of commissions to complete and some more Christmas designs to do so for now I shall just admire my lovely new fabrics and look forward to using them as soon as I have time!
Hi Claire! Just stumbled across you via NOTHS - seems you are a girl after my own heart!!
Loving your work, and see you are very good at getting your brand out and about online.
I've recently decided to try to take my craft more seriously and promote myself properly - it's not easy I am finding!!
Wish me luck - and I wish you continued success with yours!
Hi Shelley,
Thank you very much for your kind comment.
I wish you lots of luck with your craft work. It is hard work to promote your own brand and get your name known but there are lots of like-minded people out there who can help.
A good place to start is with promoting the fact that you are UK based. Try joining in lots of forums and take a look at UK Handmade and Shop Handmade UK.
If I can be of any help then do not hesitate to contact me.
Claire x
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