And with out further ado, the winner is ........ Rachel Boyd of Glamglass - many congratulations to you! If you could email me your postal address to then I can get your goodies sent out to you ASAP.

To select who would receive my goodies I numbered all your comments and names as you became fans of my facebook page and followers of my blog. I then used an online random number generator to select my winner. My draw took place at 1pm GMT as promised although the snapshot of the number generator result below is not showing UK time!

It has been so wonderful to hear from you all, I shall definitely be doing another giveaway in the future. Keep your eyes peeled for details. Claire x
Wow, Thanks that is great!! I am really excited!
Emailing my details to you and I will do a follow up on my blog too!!!
My pleasure, thank you for entering! I hope you enjoy your goodies x
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